Third VG Spring cup took place in Elektrenai. When we came the wind wasn’t strong, so everybody were preparing for FW. First start wasn’t successful for me. Mindaugas LTU646 has crashed into me. But that has only helped me. I catched a stronger wift than others so I sailed faster than they. Near the firs mark I was 3-5. But near the downwind mark I sailed into a hole. Gedas LTU 76 overtook me. I also met him near the upwind mark. During the downwind leg I didn’t overtake anybody and nobody overtook me. I finished 5. Afterwards Mindaugas LTU 646 apologized. Later the wind increased and referees started slalom discipline.

Pirmi du slalomo plaukimai buvo blogi - vėjas tai pakildavo, tai nurimdavo. Prieš startą nugriuvau ir prasimaudžiau, po to dar ir prie ženklo įkritau. Finišavau 6 ir 10. Po antro plaukimo teisėjai pamatė, kad ateina audra ir iškėlė vėliavą – „visi į krantą“.

First two slalom heats were bad, the wind was going up and down. Before the start I felt in, I also felt in near the first mark. But I still managed to come 6 and 10. After second heat referees saw a storm and sent all back to the shore.

Po audros vėjas nurimo. Kai kas išsitakelavo inventorių ir išvažiavo. Tačiau vėliau vėjas pakilo, tik šį kartą jis buvo žymiai lygesnis. Kadangi buvau beveik visiškai išsitakelavęs inventorių pavėlavau į pirmą startą. Tačiau vėliau sekėsi vis geriau ir geriau. Labai gerai pavykdavo startuoti, o tai labai svarbu. Tačiau pirmus plaukimus po pertraukos vis įgriūdavau prie pirmo ženklo. Geriausiai gavosi paskutinis plaukimas - jame nei karto neįkritau ir atplaukiau 3.

After the storm wind came down. Few guys rigged out inventory and went home. But later wind increased. On that time I have almost rigged out my sail. So I was late for the first start. But later everything was going better and better. But during first heats after the brake I was always falling at the first mark. The last heat was the best for me. I didn’t fall near the marks and I finished 3.

Foto A.Lapeniene
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