Šiandien vos atvažiavus iš karto buvo aišku ką takeluotis. E-leikas šiek tiek baltavo - vadinasi bus slalomas. Greitai susitakelavau ir išplaukiau. Iš pradžių atrodė, kad plaukiasi gerai, bet po to pajutau, kad kažko trūksta.

Today, when we came it was no problem to choose inventor. The wind was blowing strongly, so it was clear that it will be slalom. I rigged my sail and sailed out. At first it seemed that everything is good, but later I realized that something is bad.

O trūko visko. Trūko greičio, trūko kontrolės per gūsius, posūkiai visiškai nesigavo, be to jaučiau nuovargį po vakar. Pirmam plaukime blogai startavau, prie posūkių griuvau. Antram plaukimui susikaupiau ir gerai suplaukiau - 4. Po to niekas nebeišėjo. Trečiam plaukime vėl nesamones dariau. Visa laimė, kad pagaliau pertrauka.

Everything was bad. I was going very slowly, I had a little control during the wifts, jibes were terrible and I was a little bit tired. During first heat I made bad start and I was bathing near the marks. During second heat I managed to go fast and to make good jibes so I came 4. Afterwards everything was the same like in the first heat. Fortunately we had brake then.

Per pertrauką aš šiek tiek pailsėjau ir vėl išplaukiau. Bandžiau suprasti kas negerai, bet nepavyko. Po pertraukos įvyko vienas plaukimas. Jį suplaukiau kažkur gale.
During the brake I rested a little bit and than I sailed out. I tried to understand what is wrong but I didn't managed. After brake one heat was made. I finished near the end.
Foto A.Lapeniene
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