Saturday, 21 April 2012

Equipment try out / Inventoriaus bandymas

Hi guys,
I first tried out my new equipment for this season: 10,7 Severne Reflex III and Starboard 167 wide.
Conditions were light - very light around 5-10knots and almost flat water.


When the boards starts planning it goes fantastic - a lot of power from the fin, very fast and loose. I can push a very good angle and still maintain speed. But there are two problems: the board is very sluggish and very hard to get planning - of course during the winter I have forgotten how to pump, but still I expected something easier. The second problem is maneuvers - tacks and gybes. The board's wide tail really doesn't helps here. All in all I'll need hell lot of practice to get used to this board.

The sail has a lot of power and feels fast, but I still have to do more testing and tuning on it, because I have some cam rotation problems.

I have also changed equipment with my dad - he was on Starboard HWR and 12,0 Severne Reflex III. His equipment was much easier to start planning, but it was harder to keep planning when the wind goes down. And the felling when you are planning - on 167 the stance is more comfortable and it is going faster in light winds at least.
I will write again when I'll do more tests.

Šiandien pirmą kartą išbandžiau naują inventorių: 10,7 Severne Reflex III and Starboard 167 wide.
Sąlygos buvo lengvos: 3-5m/s vėjas ir lygus vanduo.


Kai ji glisuoja  - ji fantastiška: daug jėgos iš vairo, labai greita ir plaukia labai lengvai. Galiu išpausti labai gerą kampą ir vistiek išlaikyti greitį. tačiau yra dvi problemos. Lenta yra labai tingi ir inertiška. Ji labai sunkiai išglisuoja (galbūt dėl to, kad per žiemą pamiršau kaip pumpuotis). Antra problema manevrai - plati uodega čia nepadeda. Panašu, kad reikės nemažai treniruotis.

Panašu. kad ji turi nemažai traukos ir yra greita, tačiau turiu problemų su kemberių vartymusi. Reikės dar pasitiuninguoti ją.

Tai pat pasikaitaliojom inventorium su tėčiu (Starboard HWR and 12,0 Severne Reflex III). Su jo inventoriumi daug lengviau išglisuoti, tačiau jis ne taip ilgai išsilaiko glise. Taip pat ant 167 stovėsena buvo patogesnė ir plaukė ji greičiau.

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