Wednessday, 23
The wind was crazy and waves were even more crazy. During about 15m/s wind and up to 4 meters height waves only Pablo and one other estonian went out with wave equipment. Others were sitting on shore or playing with bodyboards. I tried to do surfng, but it was really hard, because of very strong current. And the waves started braking very far away from the beach. Thus I was catching the second or third time braking waves.
Later we went to Decathlon sports shop.
Thursday we were doing formula, there (were the waves don't brake, more far in the see)
Today the waves were smaller, - only 3 meters J. The wind in the morning was about 5m/s later it increased up to 10 meters.
Thus in the morning from 9.30 to 11.00 me and friends of Pablo were surfing. After about 10 minutes of non – stop paddling we were out of brake.
after a bit of resting I unsuccessfully tried to catch 2 meters waves. Then one bigger about 2.5 meters height wave came, I almost catched her, but she has eaten me. After about 100 hundred meters of rolling I managed to get out. Then I saw one friend of Pablo near to me – he surfed this wave.
Afterwards we both were trying to get out of the brake for 10 minutes, when we finally arrived the place were most of the waves aren´t braking anymore we realised that current has blowned us about 300 hundred meters away. After 10 minutes of padling we finally arrived to our starting place. I was totally tired.
Then a big set arrived 3 big 3 meters height waves. It´s really scarry when such one starts breaking over you. I tried to catch some more waves, but I was too exhausted, so I went back to the beach.
In the afternoon when the wind increased we decided to try to do some Formula training. We went to the port, because it was impossible to get out with formula from the beach. Pablo and John rigged their gear and went out, other looked how it´s going for them. They sailed through the port gates and went deeper into the sea. Sometimes I could see only the 3 upper battens of the sail. They weren´t comming back so I decided to join them.
Pablo and John were using 11 meter sails thus I rigged 10. It was really scary to go out through the port gates and fell how with each second waves are getting bigger and bigger. At first I went downwind the wind was just perfect – not too less and not too much, but the waves…uch.. It is impossible to say how you fell when you see a 3 meters height mountain moving after you.
When going downwind waves weren´t making a lot of difficulties, but doing manouvers, starting to plane or to take sail out of the water was really hard. There were 3 types of waves:
1) 3 meters height mountains – scary but not harmful.
2) 1-2 meters height waves – the same direction as the big ones, but much more steep and sharp, very hard to go through without jumping.
3) 30 cm chop – 90 degrees different direction compared to the first one.
One time going upwind I have met very nasty 2nd type wave, I tried not to jump but she lifted me about 2 meters and run away letting me fall. I have done everything not to land with the flat board, but when landed on the back of board I felt in. Then it took me a minute to do waterstart and to start planing, it was so hard to put my back leg into the footstrap…
After half hour or a little bit more of fighting with the waves I decided not to try my luck more and went back to the port. There was no fun going out today, but I will remember this time all my life – I think, now it seems unforgetable.
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